
Making mindful choices

From the concept to the work to the impact, read on to learn how the Living Consciously campaign reached hundreds of thousands.

When we talk about Ramadan, we talk about it as a month for reflection. But there’s a holistic value system that the act of reflecting brings us closer to. It mainly centres on intention, moderation, generosity, and community.

That’s how the ‘Living Consciously’ campaign was brought to life.

As the UAE Year of Sustainability’s digital communications partner, we designed this campaign to guide the nation in making conscious choices during Ramadan, with sustainability leading the way.


The ‘Living Consciously’ campaign had one main goal: to highlight the UAE’s inherently sustainable values through the lens of Ramadan. The campaign was also about bringing people together and promoting inclusivity within the sustainability movement. 

How? By creating action-led content.


We created four hero videos to shape the ‘Living Consciously’ campaign. Supporting content was shared across social media to drive action and inspire behavioural change—this is the core of our strategy; to change behaviours across the nation and align our lives with the UAE’s vision for sustainability. 

The messaging in each video showcased the strong link between sustainability, Islam and self-improvement. This was about showing our audience how embracing the virtues could help them lead a more eco-conscious lifestyle. 

Community engagement was another critical pillar for the campaign. ‘Living Consciously’ wanted to give each of us a sense of shared responsibility in building a sustainable tomorrow. 


The ‘Living Consciously’ campaign struck a chord with so many of us who call the UAE home. Audiences interacted with the content across our social media channels, and high engagement rates proved its success.

Here’s a look at some of the key data points: 

  • 25% average view rates across the campaign 
  • 525K video views in total, of which 4K+ were completed views 
  • The content reached 641K+ users with over 2.3M impressions

The UAE Year of Sustainability hashtag, #TodayForTomorrow, also grew in popularity. In no time, it had become a unifying call for action for a sustainable future, especially throughout the course of the Ramadan campaign. We hope that by raising awareness about the value of sustainable living, the UAE public will be more inclined to adopt eco-friendly practices as part of their daily routine. 


One of the most important elements of the campaign was to focus on the meaning and purpose behind conscious living. What exactly do we mean when we talk about it? How can each of us work to make it happen? Once that was locked in, the plan of execution came easy. 

  • Hero videos: These videos framed the conversation around intention, moderation, generosity, and community, and were our entry point into more relatable real-life stories. These stories inspired our viewers to take action in their own lives.
  • Social media: Instagram was the primary platform for the launch and roll-out. The hero videos and other action-led content pieces were all shared on the @uaeyearof channel.
  • Hashtag: The #TodayForTomorrow hashtag quickly gained momentum and helped tie the campaign together. It helped motivate audiences to reflect on and take steps to live more consciously.
  • Community engagement: One of the campaign’s main objectives was to promote engagement and a sense of togetherness within the sustainability space.
  • Ramadan: The campaign being centred on Ramadan was essential to its success. By celebrating the virtues of the holy month and their universal appeal, the campaign connected with viewers and encouraged them to lead more sustainable lives, regardless of their beliefs.


The kind of success produced by the ‘Living Consciously’ campaign can be taken as a model for other campaigns, whether on a local or international level. 

The direct bridge between sustainability and the virtues of Ramadan is one that audiences can connect with wherever they are in the world. Whether it’s leveraging the power of social media or harnessing the energy of community involvement, making relevant connections like this can help keep the sustainability story fresh and dynamic.

Through the ‘Living Consciously’ campaign, the nation has shown that a sustainable future is within our grasp. Once we change perceptions and help people see sustainability as part of their identity, we can start looking into the future with real hope.